What Is the Significance of “Gll” in Yii2?

Gii, a useful tool included with Yii, allows for rapid prototyping by producing regularly used code snippets as well as whole CRUD controllers.
Gii provides a Web-based interface that allows you to produce code interactively. It also has a command-line interface for those that like to work with console windows the majority of the time.
Gii technology in Yii2 is a web-based code generator for producing models, forms, modules, CRUD, and other types of code.

The following generators are available by default:

When we consider integrating our business with marketing, the only thing that comes to mind is the cost of marketing and advertising. These two key variables are extremely stressful and are regarded as one of the most significant financial obstacles that every company wishes to avoid.

Using Gii to Generate Code

This section will show you how to utilise Gii to generate code that implements certain typical Web site functionalities automatically. Using Gii to produce code automatically is as simple as inputting the correct information as directed on the Gii Web sites.

This guide will teach you how to do the following:


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