The Book

Why the Book?

This book celebrates 50 years of Ranthambhore’s legendary tigers and their incredible moments. It captures the essence of Ranthambhore’s rich natural heritage, showcasing unique and iconic moments that may never be repeated. The tiger, a revered symbol in Indian culture, embodies strength, grace, and the triumph of good over evil. This book honours India’s commitment to tiger conservation, a journey that has positioned India as the custodian of 70% of the world’s tiger population.

What to Expect in the Book?

A collection of stunning pictures depicting the legendary tigers of Ranthambhore over five decades.

Stories of extraordinary encounters and moments of the wildlife in Ranthambhore.

Insights into the challenges and triumphs of tiger conservation in one of the most arid and hottest tiger habitats.

A celebration of Ranthambhore’s rich natural heritage, including its diverse flora and fauna.

Contributions from renowned photographers worldwide, capturing the magic of Ranthambhore.


What to Do and How

We invite you to share up to 15 of your most captivating images by registering on our website and uploading them. Your stunning photographs could be featured in our upcoming book, accompanied by their unique stories. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your talent and have your work published.

Join us in celebrating 50 years of Ranthambhore manifesting the art of photography and storytelling by submitting your best shots. Register today and let your images tell the stories of this iconic park.

How You Can Help

When your image is selected, you contribute to a historic publication that will be a landmark in wildlife history for decades. By celebrating Ranthambhore’s natural heritage, your selected images can elevate your profile as a wildlife photographer.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so join us in this collective effort to create an iconic publication. Don’t miss out—register and upload your images today!

What Will Happen to the Proceeds

A 100% non-profit project, the proceeds from the sale of the photographic book dedicated to tiger conservation will be allocated to several critical initiatives spearheaded by our partnering NGO. The initiative includes Tiger Conservation Awareness and a portion of the funds will be invested in educational programs for local communities. These programs aim to raise awareness about the importance of tiger conservation, promote co-existence, and provide sustainable livelihood alternatives so as to reduce poaching and deforestation.

Your Opportunity to Participate and Impact Society Positively?

Contributing or purchasing this photographic book is more than just acquiring a beautiful collection of images; it is a direct investment in the future of our planet and the preservation of one of its most iconic species. Here’s how your contribution will make a profound impact:

Biodiversity Conservation

Tigers are apex predators and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. By protecting tigers, we also protect countless other species that share their habitat.

Economic Benefits

Healthy tiger populations can boost eco-tourism, providing sustainable economic opportunities for local communities and reducing the need for harmful activities like logging and poaching.

Cultural Heritage

Tigers hold a significant place in many cultures. Preserving them ensures that future generations can continue to draw inspiration from these majestic creatures.  By supporting this cause, you are playing a vital role in creating a future where humans and wildlife co-exist harmoniously, and where the natural beauty of our world is preserved for generations to come.

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