ReactJS vs Other Frontend Frameworks: Why It Stands Out for Modern Web Development

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Web applications and services have become more interactive, fast, and CAN scale more than ever and that makes the decision of which frontend framework to use even more important. There are different frameworks and libraries for the development of web applications of today, but the choice of specialists has repeatedly turned to ReactJS.

How does it compare to the other trending popular frontend frameworks such as Angular or Vue.js and Svelte? Why does ReactJS remain phenomenal in the eyes of developers and entrepreneurs all over the world?

Comparing ReactJS with other frontend frameworks is the primary agenda of this article; and will also look at the reasons why ReactJS is considered a powerful solution for the future of web development.

1. ReactJS: A Library, Not a Framework

The first difference between ReactJS and many other frontend solutions is that React is a library, not a framework. This results in developers having the freedom to sort out which additional tools and libraries are required to finish the project. Unlike other architectures that prescribe interested styles or paradigms and are usually packaged with complete tool kits, ReactJS is strictly a UI system.

Advantages of Being a Library

  • Flexibility: This is because third-party libraries or frameworks, like Redux for managing application state or Next.js for providing server-side rendering, can be applied to React . Due to this, this framework is suitable for projects that demand uniqueness and escalability.
  • Focused: React doesn’t dictate how you should organize your app; it is up to you, the developer, to decide. Choice in routing, state management or backend integration options allows you to meet a rather diverse set of requirements ranging from a small application to a large, complex one that should meet enterprise-grade standards.

Comparison with Such Frameworks as Angular and Vue.js

  • Angular: Angular is a complete framework from Google that also already incorporates solutions for routing, form handling, and state management. That may be an advantage for some projects, yet, it reduces flexibility comparing to React and you are bound to follow the opinionated architecture of Angular.
  • Vue.js: Vue.js is similar to React in that it is a progressive framework that doesn’t force its users to work within any framework. However, Vue remains slightly more of a framework than React has, as it comes with built-in features, and can be less easily customized for specific projects that need certain adjustments.

2. Component-Based Architecture: Modular and Reusable

That is why one of the distinctive features of ReactJS is a component-oriented architecture. This strategy enables the developers to divide the UI into several operational units referred to as components. They are all modular and control their own state and behavior.

This essentially means that those who choose to develop applications using component based development approach stand to benefit in a number of ways.

  • Reusability: Once a component has been developed it can be used in a different section of the application or even in different application all together. This is time saving and effort saving especially when working on large applications.
  • Maintainability: In React everything is broken down into components and they are independent components and any changes to one of them do not affect the rest of the application. This makes debugging and other chores related to large application much more easier.

Besides comparing the frameworks with each other,

  • Angular: Angular too has a component based model yet their components tend to be complex in nature because of the additional layers of services and dependency injection that exist in it. Developers prefer this kind of structure because React’s component model is less complicated and less bloated.
  • Vue.js: Vue’s components are similar to React’s which is a good thing since Vue encourages the use of templates for defining the UI while JSX has more flexibility (JavaScript XML). JSX means we have more of a programming approach to UI, which gives us more flexibility and an ability to render in certain ways.

3. Virtual DOM: Optimizing Performance

ReactJS employs a Virtual DOM, which actually makes it efficient in the processes of updating the graphical interface. Typical DOM operation can be quite slow and inefficient, whereas instead of this, React constructs a lighter version – the Virtual DOM. When the changes occur React compares the new created Virtual DOM with the previous and updates the real DOM only if it is needed.

This post looked at how the Virtual DOM increases performance.

  • Efficient Updates: Outside of performance for frequent state changes, the Virtual DOM reduces the instances where the actual DOM has to be manipulated for the app, especially for large scale applications.
  • Better User Experience: The faster updates by the Virtual DOM make it easy to have a fluid and highly interactive interface, which is important in today’s web apps that need constant update, like social networks, online shops, and dashboards.

Proximal and Distal Enactment Frameworks & Comparison with Other Frameworks

  • Angular: Angular uses the real DOM; it can become a problem in terms of performance at the scale of large applications. But, Angular reduces this through some aspects such as the Change Detection, nonetheless, is less efficient than React VIrtual DOM in some specific cases.
  • Vue.js: Vue also uses the notion of what is called Virtual DOM just like React. Despite this, React’s reconciliation process (how it decides on which parts of the DOM requiring updates) is though to be more robust and efficient than Vue’s, thereby making React suitable for very complex or dynamic User Interfaces.

4. Learning Curve and Ecosystem

In general, it is easier to learn ReactJS than other frameworks such as Angular, for instance. The design of React is simple and its API is also minimalist, so that it is easy for new programmers to learn it. There is also a huge amount of libraries and tools created by the third-party for the React ecosystem for such things as the state management or testing.

Ease of Learning

  • JSX: React employs the JSX transformation that lets write HTML-ish code with JavaScript syntax directly. It might appear unfamiliar at first, however, after developing a while using JSX, developers state that they like it as there is no need to switch between a logic tier and a separate tier for the interface.
  • Hooks: React’s introduction of Hooks in version 16.8 has made state and lifecycle management easier than ever, thus making use of React without having o learn class-based components.

This section aims at comparing this framework with other similar frameworks that exist in the literature.

Angular: Angular is complex and thus more challenging than the other frameworks of JavaScript to learn. It presupposes knowledges of TypeScript, services and especially dependency injection and a more complicated structure.

Vue.js: It is also easy to learn, with relatively easy learning curve like with React. But because of React’s popularity, and having more users, there is more content, guides, and third-party extensions.

5. Rich Ecosystem and Strong Community Support

This one of the reasons why React stands for modern web development, its vast ecosystem. React has countless number of tools, libraries, and extensions available, so while making application, developers can improve them easily. Many such familiar libraries used in React include Redux for state handling, React Router for the navigation, and Next for server-side rendering.

Strong Community Support

React has a very large and an engaged community, which implies there is always a lot of materials, guides, and recommendations provided. React community contributors can quickly find solutions to everyday issues and know about trends and tools existing in React environment.

More on Other Frameworks

  • Angular: Angular has also benefited from a strong community, although the ecosystem around it is less as the solutions provided are more rigid due to the the full-featured framework. Most of the time Angular is also slower in adopting the third-party libraries because for most of the requirements it provides its own solutions.
  • Vue.js: Vue compared to the latest React has a comparatively smaller frame but is progressing fast. However, Vue still does not have the same variety of third-party libraries and app extensions as React has.

Related PostHow ReactJS Accelerates Development and Improves User Experience


ReactJS stands out from other frontend frameworks for a variety of reasons: They include the following; The component-based architecture that makes the application flexible, efficient Virtual DOM, ease of use since there is no steep learning curve, and availability of rich resources.

Comparing Angular and Vue to React, the latter is chosen as one of the most effective frameworks for modern web development because of the performance, flexibility and easy work with React.

From a simple starter site for a new business to rich enterprise application, ReactJS Development Services India has all the provisions needed for the development of robust and responsive website or application with smooth interface.

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