Porta potty rental costs in Boston

Porta potty rental costs in Boston can vary based on several factors such as the type of unit, the duration of the rental, and the location of the event or site. On average, basic porta potty units range from $150 to $350 per month.

Here are some factors that affect porta potty rental costs in Boston:
Type of Unit:

Standard units: $150 – $300 per month.
Deluxe units with added features like handwashing stations: $200 – $400 per month.
Luxury or VIP restroom trailers: $700 – $3,000 for more high-end events.

Duration of Rental: Short-term rentals (1-3 days) may cost between $100 and $200 for a basic unit, while long-term rentals are priced on a monthly basis.

Additional Services: Regular cleaning and maintenance, hand sanitizer dispensers, and other add-ons increase the cost.

Location: Rental costs might be slightly higher in Boston compared to surrounding areas like Ipswich, Beverly, Saugus, and Danvers due to transportation and service fees.

If you need a quote for your porta potty rental, it’s best to reach out to local providers for accurate pricing based on your specific needs.

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