Ingrown toenails occur when the edges of a nail grows to the skin surrounding it which causes swelling, pain and the appearance of redness. Although most ingrown toenails can be treated at home with a simple treatment however, there are instances when medical intervention is required. Being aware of when you should seek assistance from a professional will help prevent any further problems and help ensure the good health of your feet.
What Causes Ingrown Toenails?
Ingrown toenails may be caused by a variety of reasons, including:
- Improper Nail Trimming Cutting your nails too short or over-rounding the edges could result in them growing to the skin.
- Closed-toed Shoes: Shoes that are too tight or do not conform to the correct size can force the toes in a way, increasing pressure on the toenail.
- Trauma A toe injury, for example, scrubbing it, or wearing unfit shoes for long periods of time, could cause an ingrown toenail.
- Genetics Certain people naturally are more susceptible to having ingrown toenails because of how their nails are shaped.
When Should You Seek Medical Treatment for an Ingrown Toenail?
Although ingrown toenails are an issue that is common but they aren’t necessarily a need for medical attention. There are however, specific indications that suggest you seek out an specialist in Perth to get professional help.
1. Persistent or Severe Pain
If the ingrown toenail you have is causing severe pain that doesn’t go away by using the home remedies available, it’s time to visit a doctor. In the long run, pain that is worse could be an indication of infection or other issues, and it’s crucial to treat the issue before it gets any more severe.
2. Signs of Infection
If you notice an increase in swelling, redness or pus around your toenail area, these could be signs of infection. Infections can develop when the nail cut the skin, thereby creating an entryway for bacterial infection. If untreated an infection may be spread and cause grave health issues. An specialist in podiatry from Perth will offer efficient treatment for toenails that have grown at Perth to stop this from occurring.
3. Difficulty Walking or Moving the Toe
If an ingrown toenail hinders your ability to walk, or causes your toe inflex or stiff It is essential to seek out medical advice. The podiatrist can evaluate the situation and suggest treatments to improve the mobility and comfort.
4. Recurring Ingrown Toenails
If you are experiencing frequent ingrown toenails that are on the same toe It’s time to speak with an expert. A podiatrist will determine whether there’s an underlying problem, like the growth of your nail is not correct or the foot’s structure. They offer long-term solutions to avoid the possibility of recurring issues.
5. Ingrown Toenail accompanied by Health Conditions
If you suffer from an immune system that is compromised or affected by diabetes it is essential to seek medical attention for an ingrown nail. Diabetes and other conditions can cause a problem for our bodies to battle off infections or infections, and small issues can escalate into an issue for health professionals.
What Does Ingrown Toenail Treatment Involve?
If you have a toenail that is ingrown and requires medical attention The Podiatrist in Perth will look at the nail to determine the most effective course of action. Treatment options could include:
- Soaking the foot: A podiatrist might suggest bathing the affected foot by soaking it in hot water. This can help decrease swelling and ease pain.
- The Nail Lift: In some cases the podiatrist can carefully lift the edges of the toenail that has grown ingrown and put a small amount of floss or cotton under it to encourage it to grow over the skin.
- Partially Nail Removal If the toenail that has grown is very severe or causing frequent problems, a podiatrist may require the removal of a portion or all of it. This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia to guarantee the patient’s comfort.
- Full Nail Removal In the most extreme instances it is possible that the entire nail require removal. This is often necessary when the toenail is infected severely or when other treatments haven’t been successful. Permanent solutions may require a procedure that stops the nail from growing again.
Prevention Tips for Ingrown Toenails
After treatment, there are different steps you can follow to decrease the chance of developing ingrown toenails later on:
- Proper nail care: Always trim your nails straight across, and be careful not to cutting them too short.
- Wear shoes that are comfortable: Choose shoes that are comfortable and fit well, with enough space for your toes for you to move freely.
- Make sure your feet are safe: If you’re involved in activities that place your feet in danger (such such as hiking or sports) be sure to use protective footwear.
Although ingrown toenails can be easily treated at home however, knowing when you should get help from a professional is vital in order to avoid any complications. If you’re suffering from chronic pain, signs that indicate infection or you’re experiencing recurring ingrown toenails it’s important to seek out an experienced specialist in Perth to get the proper treatment. A quick intervention can ease pain from infections, as well as keep your feet well.
If you’re experiencing an ingrown toenail and are in need of treatment for your ingrown toenail in Perth Don’t put it off any longer. Call a trusted podiatrist now for the help you require.