Common Networking Cable Installation Mistakes To Avoid

Professional data cable installation for a structured cabling system is essential for an optimal infrastructure. This is useful for many business communication applications. The type of cabling necessary depends on the physical elements and the type of communication devices as the requirements. This can be horizontal cabling, vertical cabling, etc.

Process of installation and networking errors to avoid

The process of installation or modification of a network is when most of the errors occur, leading to trouble later. It is not uncommon for users to overlook a few areas, which are often due to a badly planned project or failure to consider the hidden costs and other issues. A mistake in the networking cable installation can result in slower network performance as well. This article goes on to list several common mistakes made during network installation and how to avoid them.

 Networking cable installation mistakes to avoid

Many of us tend to request our tech-savvy friends or family members for home data cabling in Sydney. There are many people with considerable knowledge about networking, and some might also be in the relevant field of work. However, opting for someone with knowledge of how to do it rather than the professionals often leads to errors and more expense. Some of the common issues include poor network cable installation, issues with speed, and bad planning. Listed here are the common mistakes to avoid:

  • Smart cable management is key to the smooth working of your network; hence, this should be planned in advance to reduce maintenance requirements in the long run.
  • Lack of labelling, failure to check specifications, or using the wrong technique can lead to a poor cable network.
  • Avoid installing it alongside an electrical cable since this can lead to disturbance or interference with the connection aand lso affects the quality of the signal.
  • Installation of the networking cables needs to be done with care since they are sensitive to electromagnetic fields and will be affected by electrical wires and air conditioning motors. They should ideally be installed perpendicular instead of parallel.
  • Plan ahead when performing the installation to cater to all communication needs, like data and voice. Consider the advancement in technology, like the popularity of VoIP during the planning stages, to save time and money. Doing this will also workout more cost-effectively.
  • Allow space for the up-gradation of the network in the future. Not considering the space for the cables is a common error, making it hard to replace cables or add more.
  • Failure to check the networking effectively can lead to further expenses down the line. Test the cabling for several factors, like speed, specification, etc., to avoid frequent maintenance.
  • Cutting corners during cable management while trying to reduce the expense is a big mistake. It is highly advisable to invest in the right equipment for cable management.
  • Ignorance of the local codes and laws or failure to implement them can also lead to various issues like fines. This should be avoided by doing prior research.

Network cable vs Standard electrical wiring

The professions tend to provide a wide range of services like electrical data cabling as well as networking cable. It is a good idea to leave this type of cabling to the professionals since they have the expertise for this. Conventional electrical wiring will utilize mid to high voltage while networking cable is low voltage wiring. High voltage wiring is necessary for standard items like light fixtures, switches, power outlets, heating & cooling systems, etc. On the other hand, networking cables do not have such a requirement; they tend to require 50 volts or less for communication, voice/phone, data, security, intercom, etc. Contact the professionals to handle the job of network cable installation to get it right the first time.


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