A storytelling application using Unity 3D in virtual reality and VFX animation developed by Xceltec

An interactive and comprehensive storyboard developed with the use of augmented reality and VFX animation for kids to help them see and understand history in an interesting way with the use of very popular characters of history like David and Goliath.

Technology used:
– Unity 3D
– C# scripting
– Vuforia for Augmented Reality

Want to have a store telling application like this? Xceltec is a leading game / AR and VR development company in the market that has already delivered exceptional services based on emerging technologies like Augmented reality, virtual reality, and VFX.

Get in touch with us for more!

Contact us on:- +91 987 979 9459

Email us at:- sales@xceltec.com

Visit our website: https://www.xceltec.com/

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