What is Art, Antique or Jewellery Valuation?

Jewellery Valuation

Valuation is known as getting a professional valuation or estimating the exact worth of your items in the market on the current date. There are various items for which valuations can be done, ranging from jewellery valuation to art valuation to other aesthetics such as handbag valuation. Just as the price of precious metals fluctuates daily, the value of these assets also changes accordingly. This leads to the requirement of a certification, which ensures that the item is authentic and what the current day price of the item is.
Several factors are considered when getting the valuations done. the item’s condition (a good condition can lead to higher appraisals, while a deteriorating one may lower the price), the manufacturing date, the quality of the item, and who was the previous owner of the item. The factors also include authenticity, rarity, and the proof of the last purchase. All these things altogether indicate the current price of the item.
Despite the variety of valuation methods, the process of jewellery valuation is a large-scale undertaking. It is therefore important for you to know what factors can impact the value or the total worth of the jewellery. The metal that has been used in the making of the jewellery, such as gold or platinum, the gemstones used in the jewellery (if any), the condition, size, brand, quality, proof of purchase, and the rarity of the design, metal, or gemstone make it even more precious.

Interested in jewellery valuation or probate jewellery valuation? This post is for you. Please read the infographic attached, and you will have a fair idea about these kinds of valuations. Prestige Valuation is one of the most authentic and trustworthy valuation service providers in the UK. In case you have such requirements, please reach out to them, and they will provide you with the easiest and most prompt service.

Jewellery Valuation

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