Record-Breaking Catches: The Largest Fish Ever Reeled In

Carp Fishing

Anglers have always been looking for the largest and hardest-to-catch fish in the world. Whether it was the excitement of the battle, the wonder of the huge fish, or the accomplishment of beating a world record, the desire to take fishing to the next level remains alive among anglers. From the challenge of carp fishing to chasing after deep-sea giants, the adventure of landing a record-breaking catch is a dream for many. Today, we’re diving into some of the most extraordinary catches that have made history: meet the largest fish ever reeled in, giant marlins, and massive sharks, and find out what it takes to catch these record-breakers.

Euro Aqua: 112 lbs 14 oz (51.2 kg)

Angler: Michel Schoenmakers

Location: Euro Aqua, Hungary

Date: September 2018

Verification: Certified by the lake owners, photographed and videoed

This mirror carp held the title of the world record for years and still remains a significant achievement in carp fishing. Caught in the Euro Aqua fishery, this massive specimen garnered worldwide attention and put the fishery on the map as a destination for big carp enthusiasts.

Big Rig: 112 lbs 14 oz (51.2 kg)

Angler: Tom Doherty

Location: RH Fisheries’ The Avenue, Shropshire, UK

Date: September 2016

Verification: Witnessed and photographed, but controversial due to the fish’s known history

Big Rig had been, for a moment, the official record holder and the new unofficial World record holder. However, fishermen contest the legitimacy of this status, as the fish was released to the lake substantially large; hence, some of these fish are considered not truly wild catches.

The Parco del Brenta Carp: 111 lbs 4 oz (50.5 kg)

Angler: Ambrose Smith

Location: Parco del Brenta, Italy

Date: June 2010

Verification: Witnessed and photographed, widely accepted in the angling community

Almost all the fishermen regard it as the world’s biggest carp caught in the natural lake, the achievement that made Parco del Brenta a world-renowned fishing resort.

Euro Aqua World Record: 105 lbs 13 oz (48 kg)

Angler: Michel Schoenmakers

Location: Euro Aqua, Hungary

Date: January 2015

Verification: Certified by the lake owners, photographed and videoed

Another carp appeared, this mirror carp of Euro Aqua; it not only made a first appearance on this list, but also attained world record for some time before being eclipsed by even bigger specimens. This catch once again proved that this fishery can produce monster carp.

Mary: 65 lbs 2 oz (29.5 kg)

Angler: Various (multiple captures)

Location: Wraysbury Lake, UK

Date: Heaviest recorded weight in 2001

Verification: Multiple verified captures over the years, extensively photographed

Mary is one of the most famous anglers in the angling world. Because of its unique scale pattern and the fact that Mary used its weights for a long time, it became legendary and reappeared at different weights for many years.

The German Record: 75 lbs 8 oz (34.3 kg)

Angler: Michel Schoenmakers

Location: Euro Aqua, Hungary

Date: November 2013

Verification: Recognized by German angling authorities

This record-breaking common carp from Euro Aqua holds the German record, despite being caught outside of Germany, which is allowed under German record rules. The fish was one of the largest common carp ever caught in Europe.

The French Record: 72 lbs 4 oz (32.8 kg)

Angler: Rodney Copper

Location: Graviers, France

Date: May 2017

Verification: Recognized by French angling authorities

This mirror carp was a record for France and served to put the country on the map for carp fishermen looking for venues across the world. The catch proved rather great fishing in French waters and even bigger carp. With the right fishing rod and reel, anglers can enjoy the thrill of pursuing these impressive fish.

The Dutch Record: 71 lbs 8 oz (32.4 kg)

Angler: Lizette Beunders

Location: Rainbow Lake, France

Date: September 2013

Verification: Recognized by Dutch angling authorities

Not only did this giant carp set the Dutch record, but it also became a notable catch because it was landed by female angler Lizette Beunders. This achievement inspired many women to take up the sport of carp fishing.

UK Record: 68 lbs 1 oz (30.9 kg)

Angler: Dean Fletcher

Location: Wasing Estate’s Cranwells Lake, UK

Date: January 2016

Verification: Officially recognized by the British Record Fish Committee

This mirror carp was christened “The Parrot,” which became the sought-after UK record holder. Due to its shape and size, it was one of the greatest assets in catching carp and drew the attention of many.

Italian Record: 66 lbs 8 oz (30.2 kg)

Angler: Matteo Slaviero

Location: Arno River, Italy

Date: February 2010

Verification: Recognized by Italian angling authorities

This common carp broke the Italian record and was an exception because it was caught in a river not a lake clearly indicating that large carp can live almost anywhere.


Angling is so much more than just catching a fish – it is a mere interest to which people devote their time as one devotes time to a favorite pastime. The giant bluefin tuna, the great white shark, and the beluga sturgeon are not just records measured on the scale; they are tales of passion, derring-do, and exhilaration. Those who have been fishing for years and those who have never been on a fishing trip will always remember the feeling of a rush when you hook something. Whether you’re using a trusty fishing rod and reel or exploring new techniques, you never know— the fish you catch could turn out to be the largest you’ve ever seen!

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